Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meaning Of Special Freind Testimonial

Special Friend means

S= So Cool

P= Personable

E= Exciting

C= Cheers me up

I= Intelligent

A= Adorable

L= Loving

F= Funy

R= Reliable

I= Incredible humourus

E= Enjoyable.

N= Nice

D= Dependable

S= Simple this is for you


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  2. Special Friend means

    S= So Cool

    P= Personable

    E= Exciting

    C= Cheers me up

    I= Intelligent

    A= Adorable

    L= Loving

    F= Funy

    R= Reliable

    I= Incredible humourus

    E= Enjoyable.

    N= Nice

    D= Dependable

    S= Simple this is for y

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
